This is now available to access from the Find My Past website. However in order to view records there is a charge of £2.50 for the transcript and £3.50 for the original image. The National Archives have nominated Manchester Central Library as a location where the records can be accessed for free. See the details from the Manchester and Local Family History Group with a summary from Aileen.
Aileen Thompson has summarised these as:
You need to use one of the computers at the Library to to access the 1921 census for free. You cannot use your own computer anymore.
You can print – 20p per page B/W- remember to print landscape.
You can save to a memory stick – but must take your own as they are not for sale.
You can email them to your own account – need email address + password.
See the Latest News on this website for more information about saving your work
The MLFHS Family History Help Desk reopened from our Christmas break on Thursday 6th
January 2022 just in time to welcome the new 1921 census. We were aware some weeks
prior to this that Manchester Central Library (MCL) had been chosen as a ‘northern hub’ by
The National Archives in order to allow visitors to view the 1921 census for free! Although a
rather slow start we have seen visitor numbers on the increase and this has kept our Help
Desk team members busy. The main queries have been how to log into a computer, how to
find the 1921 dataset, and how to print/save/email their findings. For those wishing to visit
please refer to our 1921 Computer Access leaflet which has lots of details. Also, at the library to view are a number of 1920’s related display cabinetslocated on the Ground floor in the Local Studies area. These should give you a flavour of what was happening in 1921. At the moment we are trying to run the Help Desk as normald espite a number of Covid restrictions still in place and cope with the added volume of
visitors, therefore, I hope everyone appreciates the enormous pressure on our volunteers for their time and assistance. Our Help Desk hours are M-F 10:30-3:30.
Top Tips if visiting:
• Please bring enough change for the printer if you plan to print out your discoveries. 1
A4 B/W print = 20p. Remember to print any census material landscape!
• Remember to bring a memory stick if you are planning to save your discoveries this
way. We do not sell any at MCL.
• Planning to email your discoveries home? Please, make a mental note of your email
address and password otherwise you won’t be able to access your email account!